Scientific manifestation in the academic sphere of Târgu Mureș, the international congress for students’, young doctors and pharmacists “Marisiensis” represents an excellent opening for our University to present its exquisite performances in medicine, military medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, sciences and technology, as well as an outstanding opportunity to interact with a numerous number of lectors from both abroad as well as from our country.
I have always appreciated the students’ predilection to scientific research and this traditional manifestation represents a perfect way for them to proceed towards this. The quality of the scientific program has escalated from one edition to the next, as well as the number of students who participate and also the number of lectors.
The “Marisiensis” experience will be brought this year also to a part of the students learning in the Hamburg campus, which delights me because this way a connection between the german students and the Romanian ones will be established.
The administrative board of the University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology “George Emil Palade” of Târgu Mureș supports the „Marisiensis” congress, and encourages students to get involved both scientificaly, as well as organizationally in a manifestation of such grandeur.

Prof. Dr. Leonard Azamfirei